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InfoBeans, an SME at NASSCOM India Leadership Forum 2010


Avinash Sethi

February 15, 2010

I represented InfoBeans, which is an SME with 110 people team based out of Pune and Indore.

Indeed there were times where I can perfectly relate our on ground challenges with the topics being discussed, times where I felt highly inspired and motivated by the leaders.

On few occasions I felt intimidated with talks all around about biggies of the IT world and their challenges. Multi-billion dollar government proposals opening up for billion dollar companies, top shots talking about global business scenarios, recession and post recession world.

To my little mind with whatever little exposure, SMEs were least affected by recession and hence talks surrounding it is irrelevant for us.

For us biggest challenges will be to learn how companies of our size with resources constraints, were able to grow exponentially and more importantly how they could sustain that exponential growth.

I do feel that there must be some un-conferences arranged for SMEs like us where we can share our challenges and get some in-practice time tested ideas from leading lights of the industry.

I argued with myself, there is NASSCOM Mentorship program (we are a mentee in this already) precisely for this. That is true and let me tell you it is greatly beneficial to us so far. However looking at the majority of delegates coming from SMEs, few SME focused discussions/tracks would have been an icing on the already delicious cake 🙂


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