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InfoBeans Foundation logo


We believe in steady contributions to the environment and society that we live in. As a global technology leader, InfoBeans is committed to increase digital literacy and create a sustainable and self-reliant community.

Education icon illustration of a book that is open

We build digital skills, expand access to quality education and improve the lives of the unprivileged youth

Environmentally Responsible icon is an illustration of a tree
Environmental Responsibility

We aim to protect and preserve the planet and to operate our business with integrity that reduces carbon footprints.

Critical human needs icon illustration of a hand holding a heart
Critical Human Needs

We support initiatives focused on disaster response, hunger relief, and food security. 







Information Technology Excellence Program (ITEP)

We are empowering education through world-class training and skill development. We aim to help underprivileged individuals secure better jobs and transform their futures. We have already changed the lives of more than 200 students through the ITEP program.

More Projects

We aim to make the world around us better through sustainable
innovations, green initiatives, and services to our communities.

Employment Generation
Through Afforestation

The COVID pandemic caused construction to stop in India as well as a mass migration back to hometowns. This resulted in millions of people losing their livelihood. 

InfoBeans partnered with Scientech Foundation to help alleviate some of this pain while improving our environment. Together we planted over 5000 trees in Indore, to create a city forest in an abandoned stone mine. Apart from planting trees, the endeavor also helped develop sustainable water sources by digging small canals to channelize water into ponds. Over time this will help increase the water levels. These activities served a dual purpose – employment generation and afforestation.

Employment Generation
Through Afforestation


Student Skill Development

IITI Drishti

Student Skill Development

InfoBeans Foundation partnered with IITI Drishti CPS Foundation, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, to empower more than 250 financially underprivileged students. This partnership opens doors to enhanced resources and expertise from IIT Indore, enabling to broaden our training programs to cover cutting-edge technologies.

The Joy of Donating Blood

We believe the gift of blood is the gift of life. And hence, we launched in-house blood donation campaigns that aim to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of donating blood, spreading the culture of social work as well as highlighting its health effects in the community. We received immense support from our team members who contributed to their best to help society.

The Joy of Donating Blood

donating blood no pink-min

Go Green

Go Green image

Go Green

InfoBeans continues its efforts to bring eco-friendly and sustainable changes in the community that we live in. We hosted multiple plantation drives where our teammates planted saplings and pledged to nurture them. These saplings flourished and brought a positive impact on our environment.

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There are many more areas we would like to contribute to.

If you have ideas or suggestions, please feel free to send us a message.

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