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How chatbots can fundamentally change your business operations


Manish Malpani

October 03, 2017

Chatbot helps create intelligent applications with the most powerful artificial intelligence technology that provides the user with language, image, video processing and audio analysis. Our chatbot solutions have helped insurance and travel businesses achieve digital transformation, completing the entire sales cycle over a friendly conversation.

“Bots” can help businesses scale their sales, marketing, customer service, and product experience. Industries from healthcare, financial services, retail and e-commerce, and even humanitarian charities have jumped on the bot bandwagon. With exquisite artificial intelligence and cognitive computing capabilities chatbot can track the past interactions and enable an organization to become agile over a period. Its machine learning characteristic helps the user to understand the patterns and respond accordingly. Earlier chatbots were used to help with peculiar customer handlings but nowadays it has got a huge impact on the overall business process and helps the organization transform through automation. To choose and implement the right chatbot solution is the key through which you can increase business productivity. It helps with managing projects, streamline and automate the business operations activities such as payments, invoices etc. in lesser time. Handling massive data and generating results using bot is another important aspect of chatbot.

Artificial Intelligence has got a huge impact on the travel and hospitality industry. Such customer service oriented businesses are implementing Chatbots on a large scale to provide better services to their customers.

Implementation of the AI-based virtual assistant according to the business need is a vital aspect. Chatbots and Service Industry can go together, in the long run, to solve customer queries efficiently saving human cost and giving customers a pleasant and personalized experience. Chatbots have already entered to change the customer experience abundantly. Chatbots is the need of today’s modern business enterprises and helps them thrive and achieve the competitive edge.

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